Danone India, Arogya World India Trust and InBody are on a mission to raise awareness around muscle health by changing attitudes and practices around consumption of protein rich diets and an active lifestyle.

Through the Protein Week (July 24-30) 2019 initiative, Danone India and its partners aim to sensitise 100,000 working Indians through workshops on nutrition by experts and free muscle-health assessment at various corporates in India.

The initial findings of the muscle health assessment in Hyderabad shows that at least 6 out of 10 working professionals have poor muscle health due to protein deficiency. The numbers are more alarming in women, with 8 out of 10 working women diagnosed with poor muscle health.

Sesikeren, Former Director of NIN-ICMR said, “Proteins are essential at all stages of life, even after growth and development since we constantly lose protein through normal physiological losses and it needs to be replenished. The estimated daily requirement or the recommended daily intake of protein through food is 10 to 15% of the calories which works out to 0.8 to 1.0 Gm per Kg body weight. Loss of muscles leads to decreased strength and slow movements and a greater risk of falling particularly in older adults. The way to maintain the muscle health is to consume the required amount of good quality protein and be physically active.”

According to Nandan Joshi, Head – Nutrition Science and Medical Affairs at Danone India, “Sedentary lifestyles and inadequate protein deficient diets are having a huge impact on the muscle health of the Indian work force. A study by InBody among Corporate professionals, indicates that 64% of Indian workforce have low or poor muscle health. This is an area of concern when compared to most of the developed countries of the world, and we at Danone are committed to address this nutritional deficiency.”

According to Dawson Kim from InBody, “A study conducted by InBody last year indicated more than 70% of Indians have poor muscle health. Last year’s data supports the analysis done this year among working professionals and reveals that six out of ten working professionals have poor muscle health.”