The Delhi Government on Monday increased the monthly pension for persons with disability from Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,500.

The increase will come into retrospective effect from April 1, the Chief Minister, Ms Sheila Dikshit, said here after a Cabinet meeting.

Persons with disability, whose yearly income does not exceed Rs 75,000 and age not more than 60 years, are eligible for the pension. After attaining 60 years of age, the beneficiaries are given senior citizen pension.

The Government spent Rs 7.60 crore for giving disability pension to 6,030 persons during 2009-10, while the amount was Rs 17.34 crore for 2010-11. It released Rs 27.52 crore for disability pension to 26,622 beneficiaries in 2011-12.

In a separate decision, the Cabinet recommended to Lt Governor, Mr Tejendra Khanna, to prorogue the Budget session of Delhi Assembly which commenced on May 28 and adjourned sine die on June 6.