Despite the RSS-sponsored trade union BMS pulling out of the proposed nationwide strike, 10 central trade unions (CTUs) have decided to go ahead with the stir on September 2.

Refuting the Centre’s proposals, announced last week, , the trade union leaders said the Centre had nothing concrete to offer.

The BMS and the rest of the unions accused each other of taking a political decision. While BMS feels that its absence will dampen the strike in coal, mines, government and transport sectors, other trade unions see a silver-lining as many of the BMS-affiliated workers have informally told them that they will participate in the strike as it would be difficult for them to withdraw at the last minute.

BMS general secretary Virjesh Upadhyay said his organisation believes in ‘responsive co-operation’. “We were not part of such a joint strike in 2011. Was it a political decision? Now, the government has shown willingness to accept our demands,” he said.

The other trade unions, including the Congress’s INTUC and the Left-backed ones such as CITU and AITUC, said they do not find the discussion fruitful as the government did not offer any tangible solution to their demands. “In the two rounds of meeting between the CTUs and the Group of Ministers (headed by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley), nothing transpired in concrete terms except vague statements by the ministers on steps to be taken or being taken on some of the issues,” the trade union leaders said.

Minimum wages On the demand of ₹15,000 as minimum wages, the CTUs said the government only suggested floor wage of ₹7,100 a month (not based on concept of minimum wage) which will be implemented after consultation with other stakeholders. On contract workers issues toothe government’s assurance was to create deliberate confusion. “Existing laws of the land lawfully ensure payment of minimum wages to contract workers. The trade unions demanded same wages and other benefits as given to regular workers in the concerned industry/establishment to be paid to contract workers as provided in the existing Rules under the Contract Labour Act,” they added.

CITU president AK Padmanabhan said the strike call is getting “historic” response.