Sidelined AIADMK leader T.T.V. Dhinakaran today sought to play down the unified AIADMK’s decision annulling the appointment of his aunt V. K. Sasikala as party interim chief, indicating the court could have a final say on the matter.

A combative Dhinakaran also dubbed the general council meeting, where the decision was taken, as a ‘public meeting’ and said he had undertaken efforts to “send home this regime” (led by Chief Minister K Palaniswami).

He asserted that Sasikala alone had the right to convene the general council meeting and dared the camp led by Palaniswami to dissolve the assembly and face elections if the party was with them as they claim.

“They (Palaniswami and deputy chief minister O Paneerselvam and others) selected Sasikala as the General Secretary. But after Sasikala went to jail they started taking steps arbitarily,” he told presspersons here.

Referring to the Madras High Court’s order that decisions taken at today’s General Council will be subject to the final outcome of an appeal on the matter, he said only then will it be known if the ouster of Sasikala was ‘valid.’

While hearing an appeal by an MLA of the Dhinakaran faction against a single judge’s order dismissing his plea for a stay on the general council meeting, the court last night gave the go-ahead for the meeting and posted the matter to October 23.

“So we need not make big (a big issue) of it,” Dhinakaran, who is involved in a tussle for power with Palaniswami, said about the General Council resolution on Sasikala.

He said it was the same decision-making body which last year appointed her to the post of interim general secretary.

Training his guns at “Palaniswami and Co”, Dhinakaran alleged the Chief Minister was not taking forward the policies of late Jayalalithaa as being claimed by him.

This was evident in the implementation of the National Entrance Cum Eligibility Test (NEET), he charged.

He said members in the government were thinking that they were the real AIADMK because they were in power, but their real strength would be known at the time of elections.

“They are afraid of facing the elections. If I say this government should not continue, they say I have joined hands with the DMK,” Dhinakaran said.

He said if elections were held even the ministers would lose deposit.

“All those with the Palaniswami group will come back to us if the government is not there,” claimed Dhinakaran, who was appointed deputy general secretary in February last by Sasikala just before she left for Bengaluru to serve her term in the disproportionate assets case.

The unified AIADMK had earlier said Dhinakaran had been removed from the post on August 10 itself.

“Whoever I meet, whether it is party supporters, youth or general public, want this government to go. I have undertaken efforts to send this regime home,” he said.

Reiterating his stand that the Palaniswami government had lost its majority, he said the state Governor should convene the assembly.

“We have given a representation to the Governor for convening the assembly. We will wait for two days and make our next move to send this government home,” Dhinakaran said.

“Betrayal has aligned with betrayal,” he said in an apparent reference to the August 21 merger of the two factions led by Palaniswami and Panneerselvam.