On the day the United States-sponsored resolution on human rights violations in Sri Lanka was adopted at the United Nations Human Rights Council, both the DMK and the AIADMK criticised the United Progressive Alliance Government for diluting the resolution.

Though India voted in favour of the resolution, both the parties continued to disrupt the proceedings of the both the Houses for the Government’s failure to ensure an independent enquiry by international panels into the human rights violations against Tamils in the neighbouring country.

The parties had also insisted that India should move amendments to the US’s resolution to add the word “genocide” in it.

The all party meeting held on Wednesday had ruled out the possibility for a resolution against Sri Lanka in Parliament on the issue. Most of the parties opposed the suggestion and said such a resolution could not be moved against a country with which India has friendly ties.

Parties slam raid

Meanwhile, the Central Bureau of Investigation’s decision to raid the residential premises of DMK leader MK Stalin stirred a political controversy. The Ministers of the DMK had resigned from the UPA Government on Wednesday following differences with the Centre’s stand on the Sri Lankan issue.

Clarifying the Government’s stand, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said he is upset at the events.

“We are all upset at these events. The Government had no role in this that I am sure of. We will find out the details. This should not have...(happened). The timing of the raid is most unfortunate,” Singh said here on Thursday.

Disapproving the raid, Finance Minister P. Chidambaram said he conveyed his views to the Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office V. Narayanasamy.

The Opposition and the UPA’s supporters were not satisfied with the Prime Minister’s response.

The Bharatiya Janata Party, CPI(M), Samajwadi Party and the Bahujan Samaj party said the Congress is using the CBI for political motives.

“Within 24 hours after DMK withdrew support, these raids took place.

“The CBI can, therefore, only be called the Congress Bureau of Investigation,” quipped CPI (M) leader Sitaram Yechury.

> jigeesh.am@thehindu.co.in