As many as 13 Ministers from Telangana region have asked the President, Pranab Mukherjee, not to consider any extra time for the Andhra Pradesh Assembly to discuss the bifurcation bill.

In a strongly worded letter to the President, sent a while ago, they flayed the Chief Minister, N Kiran Kumar Reddy, for trying to dictate the Constitutional Head on what he has to do or not do in matters of Parliamentary process.

The ministers who signed the letter included: K Jana Reddy (Panchayat Raj), J Geetha Reddy (Major Industries), Ponnala Lakshmaiah, D Sridhar Babu (Civil Supplies) and D K Aruna (Information and Public Relations). 

"It is with deep concern and dismay we write to protest against the indespicable move of the chief Minister and a few of his colleagues to distort the Constitution and its democratic spirit," they said.

They were referring to Chief Minister's notice to the Speaker under Rule 77 that called for rejection of the draft AP Re-organisation bill. They informed the President that the Chief Minister's notice didn't enjoy their support.

"We, the Ministers, as well as on behalf of our legislators from Telangana request not to grant further extension of time," they said.