The BJP on Tuesday hit out at Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and other political leaders and groups for “politicising” Rohith Vemula’s suicide.

In a Facebook post, BJP General Secretary Muralidhar Rao said Vemula’s suicide was a result of his “conflict with himself”.

The BJP leader said that the action against Vemula was, in fact, reflective of a “lenient stand” by the University authorities.

“Disciplinary action was taken against Rohith at the advice of the court and even a lenient stand was taken by the university authorities by permitting him into the campus except the hostel. The context of the clash between student groups was Rohith’s stand in support of terrorism, including against hanging of Yakub Memon,” the BJP leader said.

“Connecting his suicide with incidents related to his ideological adversaries is a baseless and cruel political game played with his death by the Congress and some groups with vested interests. This has nothing to do with Dalit issues or rights just because he was Dalit. It is merely politicising the issue,” said Rao.

Rao even accused the Congress of having “harassed” Dalit icon BR Ambedkar. “…the Congress had done gross injustice to Dr B. R. Ambedkar and harassed him all through his life. Now they are trying to project themselves as champions of the Dalit cause.,” said Rao.

He also attacked Arvind Kejriwal who has called Vemula’s suicide a murder. “Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, like always, is trying to fish in troubled waters,” he said.