The Maharashtra government plans to reduce the power tariff for industrial users by 10-15 per cent within a month in order to attract fresh investments to the State.

Speaking at an industry event, Subhash Desai, the State’s Industries Minister, said many such users have been complaining that Maharashtra’s power tariff is higher than that of neighbouring States. “I completely agree with them. For long, the industrial users here have been subsidising the power being supplied for agriculture purposes. How fair it is, I cannot say,” he said.

The State’s power tariff for industrial users is ₹7 a unit.

A committee has been formed to study the issue and give suggestions to make power affordable in the State. “I believe power rates will come down by 10-15 per cent within a month,” he added.

The State Government is focusing on measures to improve ease of doing business in the State. In the last four months, it has reduced the number of permits required to set up a manufacturing unit to 25 from 76, said Desai.