RSS-affiliated Bharatiya Kisan Sangh welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's declaration that the three farm laws will be repealed. BKS general secretary Badri Narayan Chaudhary said it seems to be the right decision to avoid unwarranted controversies and conflicts.

Commenting on the protesting farmers, he said the type of arrogant attitude of "these so called farmer leaders" is not beneficial for the small farmers of the country in the long run, which comprises nearly 90 per cent of farming community. "Corrected version of these acts, as suggested by the BKS, would have been more beneficial for the largest number of farmers of our country," he said.

On the proposed committee to study the issues in MSP, the BKS said it should include representation from non-political farmers' organisation. "In totality, BKS is of this opinion that farmers are exploited to the maximum in the markets and so the solution to that is to develop a guaranteed system to ensure farmers a profitable price for their agricultural produces," Chaudhary added.