The well-marked low-pressure area over Equatorial Indian Ocean has intensified into a depression 390 km South-South-West of Thiruvananthapuram and is on course for another round of strengthening.

India Met Department (IMD) said in its afternoon bulletin that the system could go on to become a deep depression, just below cyclone status, over the next two days.


This would nearly make for a playback of the situation evolving in November last that culminated in the development of very severe cyclone Ockhi over Lakshadweep and neighbourhood.

But the developing depression is not anywhere close in strength or scale, although its progress and track is being closely monitored by authorities in Kerala, which too bore the brunt of Ockhi.

The system overlooks an area including Equatorial Indian Ocean, South Sri Lanka, and Maldives and the Comorin region, extending into adjoining South-East Arabian Sea.

Its bearing was assessed as 480 km South-East of Minicoy, the then gateway for Ockhi, and 290 km East-North-East of Male (Maldives).


The IMD has forecast rain or thundershower at many places from today to Thursday over South Tamil Nadu with isolated heavy falls very likely today.

Rain or thundershowers are forecast at many places in South Kerala today and at most places with isolated heavy falls tomorrow before they cover the rest of the state on Thursday.

Rainfall is forecast at a few places in Lakshadweep today and at most places with heavy to very heavy falls at a few places tomorrow and until Thursday.

Squally winds speed reaching 45- to 55 km/hr gusting to 65 km/hr is very likely over Comorin area and along and off South Tamil Nadu-South Kerala coasts today and tomorrow. The warning would be apply for along and off the rest of Kerala on Thursday. 


Squally winds speed reaching 40- to 50 km/hr gusting to 60 km/hr is likely over Lakshadweep area and adjoining southeast Arabian Sea today. 

Wind speeds will gradually increase over this region becoming 55- to 65 km/hr gusting to 75 km/hr today and tomorrow. 

Sea condition will be 'rough' to 'very rough' over Comorin-Maldives area and adjoining sea areas during until tomorrow and over Lakshadweep area and adjoining South-East Arabian Sea until Thursday.

Fishermen are advised not to venture into sea along and off South Tamil Nadu, Comorin-Maldives area and adjoining Equatorial Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Mannar area during this period. The advisory also applies to the Kerala coast, Lakshadweep area and adjoining South-East Arabian Sea until Thursday.