Finnish firm joins hands with DBT, C-CAMP for saliva-based oral cancer screening

Updated - January 15, 2018 at 02:39 PM.

The Department of Biotechnology of India (DBT), Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP), and Aqsens Health, a Finland-based company, have collaborated to launch a long-term project to validate and bring to the market saliva-based oral cancer screening.

“The project will reinforce joint commitment on remote health monitoring in India. Aqsens Health is working on a crucial Indian problem, oral cancer, which is a huge disease burden for India,” said Aqsens Health Chairman Timo Teimonen.

Remote monitoring

Remote health monitoring is becoming an increasingly important area for national healthcare, especially for countries with large populations. Having a cost-efficient and mobile method to screen and monitor diseases such as oral cancer will have a significant impact, both on the humanity level and socio-economically, he said.

“Aqsens Health is committed to finalising the testings of the method and to productise the method into a solution that enables non-invasive, fast, easy and affordable screening and monitoring of oral cancer, even in rural conditions,” Teimonen added.

DBT role

K Vijay Raghavan, Secretary, DBT, said, “With the signing of the letter of Intent (LoI) between C-Camp and Aqsens Health, we aim to create an environment that allows for ideas, knowledge and best practices to be exchanged across the world.”

Nina Vaskunlahtii, Ambassador of Finland, said, “India and Finland can collaborate in mutually beneficial and concrete manner, especially in remote health monitoring, an area we both feel exceptionally important and interesting.”

“C-CAMP hopes to benefit from Aqsens presence in C-CAMP and its contribution to the ecosystem that C-CAMP has built over the last few years where it has supported over 70 innovative life science start-ups,” said C-CAMP Director and COO Taslimarif Saiyed.

Published on April 10, 2017 16:52