Income-Tax o ffices across the country will be open Thursday through Saturday to facilitate filing of returns. The last date for filing of returns for Assessment Years 2016-17 and 2017-18, and revised returns for Assessment Year 2016-17 is March 31.

The annual two-day meeting of the Permanent Indus Commission under the Indus Waters Treaty between India and Pakistan will kick-off today. Issues relating to India’s Ratle hydroelectric plants, Pakul Dul and Lower Kalnai projects, located in Jammu and Kashmir, are likely to come up for discussion. The meeting takes place in the backdrop of the continuing tension between the two countries over a host of issues, including the alleged harassment of diplomats.

ISRO will launch the GSAT-6A, a high-power S-band communication satellite, from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. Similar to the GSAT-6, the satellite will provide a platform for developing technologies such as demonstration of 6m S-Band Unfurlable Antenna, handheld ground terminals and network management techniques. These are useful in satellite-based mobile communication applications.

North and South Korea will hold high-level talks at the border truce village of Panmunjom to prepare for a summit of their leaders planned for April. A team of three officials will be led by Ri Son Gwon, the chairman of North Korea's committee for the peaceful reunification of the country. The Korean talks precede musical performances in Pyongyang in early April by a group of South Korean singers making a reciprocal visit after the North sent performers to the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

Two NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station will set out on a planned six-and-a-half hour spacewalk. During the walk, Expedition 55 flight engineers Drew Feustel and Ricky Arnold will install wireless communications equipment, swap out high-definition video cameras, and remove aging hoses from a cooling component on the station’s exterior. This is the 209th spacewalk in support of space station assembly, maintenance and upgrades.