The Genome Foundation (GF) and the Federation of Asian Biotech Associations (FABA) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide training to students, scientists, clinicians and medical graduates, by sharing the available expertise and facilities.

According to the MD, Genome Foundation, K. P. C. Gandhi, the MoU was aimed to mutually supplement, support and strengthen resources and to provide structured modules of training to students, scientists, clinicians and medical graduates through collaborative efforts with FABA.

Executive President, FABA and honorary professor, University of Hyderabad, P Reddanna, said BioAsia, the flagship event of the Federation, has been organised in Hyderabad annually for the past 16 years to help the biotechnology industry worldwide.

The Hyderabad-based foundation has been established with the sole aim of diagnosing genetic disorders among the Indian population with a view to finding solutions through preventive counselling, management, research and development.

The Federation of Asian Biotech Associations (FABA) has been providing a global platform for academy, industry, and Government bodies to come together, interact, and discuss issues of common interest for improving the biotech space., according to a release.