Praising Gujarat for attracting numerous investments, Ambassador of Georgia, Kachkachishvili Zurab today said the state has developed “dynamically” in the last decade.

“This is my third visit to this wonderful state. It has attracted numerous investments and developed dynamically in the last decade,” Zurab said while addressing a seminar on developing Eurasia as a market to do business with.

“Quarter of the exports of India is from Gujarat,” he said adding that he hoped the state will invest in Georgia.

A senior central government official said that strict regulatory mechanism had hindered exports of bovine-related products to countries like Russia, Belarus and other Eurasian countries, which India is hoping to revive.

“A group of more than 15 officials from these countries will visit India and inspect the laboratories, whether it meets the required specific mandatory standards or not.

“Depending on their suggestions, we will move ahead in exports of bovine-related exports,” the official said.

The seminar was organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) here today.

Zurab said that they had planned this outreach programme to inform and educate businesses about the opportunities present in this eastern European country.

Georgia is a sovereign state in the Caucasus region of Eurasia.

Regarding air connectivity issues, Ravi Capoor, Joint Secretary - FT Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Union Government, said that as of now, it was a problem but efforts are on to start more flights to these countries.

The exports between India and CIS countries are projected to touch $7.06 billion by 2016 from the current $3 billion, a senior central government official said.