Following persistence efforts and pleas from organisations such as World Wide Fund (WWF) for Nature that tourism-related Dolphin-sighting, Grande island trips be regulated for safety,  impact on marine resources and avert pollution, Goa Captain of Ports (CoP) has finally come out with a notification in this regard.

The notification, which is presently in public domain for suggestions will regulate the activities of the operators of pleasure trips including dolphin-sighting and island tours and other activities in terms of safety of tourists and prevent littering in marine environment.

Among other things the boats that carry tourists to the island will have to carryout  a special seaworthiness inspection for stability, safety appliances and life-saving equipment.

The Goa State Pollution Control Board will monitor the garbage disposal which is considered a big problem.

Recalling that WWF-Goa had conducted a study to assess the impact of tourism on Humpback dolphins and coral reefs (Grande island) and has produced a report on the same, Puja Mitra, Senior Programme Coordinator, WWF-Goa told Business Line on Thursday that they are pleased with the steps taken by the CoPs  to regulate these activities as issued in the notification and will be glad to provide support and expertise to develop recommendations to regulate dolphin watching trips and island trips in consultation with the stakeholder groups.(eom)