Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday told BJP office-bearers that the party is important and the government is “only a tool” to achieve the objectives of the organisation.

Addressing office-bearers, Modi said the over 10 crore new members that the BJP hopes to enrol by the end of this month are the owners of the party.

“They are the owners of the party. The party is important. The government is only a tool…It is good that voters are now becoming members of the party. It means we are adding one plus voter to the one that already existed,” he said.

The PM then talked about the government’s initiatives in the last one year — particularly the Clean Ganga Project, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Jan Dhan Yojna and Beti Bachao Abhiyan.

Resounding success

“If 10,000 of the 10 crore new workers get exclusively involved in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, it can be a resounding success,” he said. “The Clean Ganga project has enormous spiritual strength, and we should implement it with full vigour.”