The prolonged shutdown of the internet services in Jammu and Kashmir after the revocation of Article 370 last year in August, is expected to be lifted on January 25.

The government of Jammu and Kashmir has decided to restore 2G internet services in all 20 districts of J&K today after five months of total internet outage in the Valley.

All postpaid and prepaid subscribers are likely to avail internet services and get access to 301 white-listed websites across Jammu and Kashmir.

According to the statement released by the Home Department of Jammu and Kashmir, the decision of internet ban was taken to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the Indian state. And, since the Valley has not witnessed any inimical condition or threat of rising militancy so far, the government is lifting the ban with minimal restrictions.

However, the department has limited access to only white-listed sites and not to any social media applications. The internet services are also restricted to 2G only. The government will also continue to provide special arrangements for tourists, students, and traders. The communication facilities made available by the government by way of e-terminal/internet kiosks.

The Home Department has resorted to restrictive practice of the internet due to the threat of an uprising and misuse of the internet by anti-establishment forces to further their agendas.

“Apprehension of misuse of internet for propagation of terror activities and incitement of general public by circulation of inflammatory material, coordination of activities inimical to the Security of the State or the maintenance of public order,” read the statement.