Both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP president Amit Shah expressed confidence that the BJP will retain power in 2019 and urged party workers to bust the Opposition’s “lies” by doing proper homework. Modi said the grand alliance against the BJP will be defeated as it neither has a leader nor a set of policies.

Addressing the BJP national executive meeting here on Sunday, Modi said the aim is to create an India that cannot be subjugated and a BJP that remains atal (firm). Talking to reporters after the meeting, Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said Modi told the meeting that the BJP is using power for change and development. “Gujarat is an example. We don’t see power as an instrument to occupy the chair, but we see it as a work to empower people with dedication,” Prasad said quoting Modi.

He said the BJP’s work is based on principles. “We change our tactics from time to time. We don’t see a challenge. In a democracy, there must be an Opposition. But those who failed in the government have also failed as an Opposition. They haven’t raised any real issues. We are ready to take questions on our work,” Prasad said.

“Let’s ask questions on 48 years of family rule and 48 months of a party’s rule. The comparison will reveal whom they were working for,” Prasad said.

Modi also told the meeting that the Opposition’s campaigns are based on falsehood. “This must be defeated firmly with the great work we have done in the last four years,” Modi said.