The Gujarat Government on Saturday informed that a total of 2 crore doses of Covid vaccines were administered till evening of June 12.

Of the State's population of 6.5 crore, 45 lakh people have been fully vaccinated with both the doses of the Covid vaccines, while 1.55 crore people have received their first jab.

The State has achieved this landmark within five months of the launch of the nationwide vaccination campaign.

At present two vaccines are being administered in the State under the government vaccination programme, Covaxin and Covishield, while Sputnik V is available through private healthcare facilities.

Gujarat is vaccinating nearly 3 lakh people on a daily basis. On Saturday, 2.94 lakh doses of Covid vaccines were administered in the State, which included 2.09 lakh doses for the 18-44 age group with first dose, and 44,000 for people above 45 years of age. Nearly 25,000 people from the 45+ age group received the second dose and about 11,000 from the 18-44 age group received their second shot.

As per the data provided by the State government, as many as 19 lakh healthcare and frontline workers have received their first dose, while 11 lakh have been completely vaccinated with both the doses.

A total of 99.41 lakh people in the age group of 45 and above have been vaccinated with the first dose and 33.82 lakh people have been vaccinated with second dose. In the 18-44 age group, 36.02 lakh have been vaccinated with first dose and 59 thousand people have been vaccinated with the second dose.

A phased vaccination programme was kicked off on January 16th in the State.

Health and frontline workers were vaccinated in the first phase. During the second phase from March 1, Comorbid and the elderly people were vaccinated. In the third phase from April 1, the remaining people of the 45+ age group started receiving the jab, and in the fourth phase, people from the 18-44 age group started getting vaccinated.

Ths State government has reviewed the progress of vaccination and expanded the coverage based on the need.

The State-wide vaccination campaign was thrown open from June 4 covering all urban-rural areas in all the districts of the state.

The State Government has set up more than 1,200 vaccination centres across the state for this. Initiatives such as special vaccination camps for the disabled and the elderly have been arranged, a State government communique said.

Chief Minister Vijay Rupani congratulated all the personnel of the Health Department for this important landmark.