Wild celebrations broke out in the home state of Chief Minister Narendra Modi today, after his anointment as the head of BJP’s 2014 campaign committee.

The news of Modi’s anointment was greeted with the bursting of fire crackers and drumbeats at the Gujarat BJP office here where scores of BJP workers and supporters had gathered.

Similar scenes were seen in Vadodara, Surat and other places. The State BJP has decided to take out a procession to the airport to welcome Modi upon his return, party spokesperson Jagdish Bhavsar said.

Speaking to media here, Bhavsar said, “We are confident that under the able leadership of Modiji, BJP will win big way in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

“The way Narendra Modi has led Gujarat BJP to the unstoppable win, we are confident that he will also lead party to a big win in the country.”

BJP President Rajnath Singh announced at the party’s National Executive meet in Goa today that Modi would be the chairman of the poll campaign committee.