A day after Team Anna vertically split on the question of taking the political plunge, Arvind Kejriwal today said Anna Hazare’s decision to part ways was “shocking” but he will always be respected as “our guru”.

Hazare, on his part, said the movement has separated with one going the political way but “both these routes are important”.

Though both refrained from pointing fingers at each other, they held lengthy meetings with their supporters to chalk out their strategy.

“We respect Anna Hazare, he is our guru and father. Yesterday’s developments came as a complete surprise. It was shocking, unbelievable, unfortunate and sad,” Kejriwal told presspersons here.

Hazare yesterday announced the split with the Kejriwal-led group, which is going ahead with its plan to form a party, saying they should not use his name or photo for the outfit they are planning to launch.

“Anna’s photograph and name are printed in our hearts. We will continue to take his blessings and touch his feet. Anna’s five principles will become foundation of our party,” Kejriwal said.

Hazare met his supporters, including Kiran Bedi, at Maharashtra Sadan while Kejriwal held discussions with State coordinators of the movement who are supporting the move to form a political party.

In a video message posted on Twitter, retweeted by supporters of both Hazare and Kejriwal, the 74-year-old activist said to make the country powerful, there was a need to curb corruption and ensure development.

“Now the movement has separated. One will go the political way while the other will take the movement route. Both these routes are important. The paths are different but the goals are same,” Hazare said.