In a bid to prevent panic regarding availability of oxygen among Covid-19 patients and to step up supply, the health ministry said on Thursday that a detailed daily mapping of sources for supply of medical oxygen to the affected states is under preparation to ensure uninterrupted supply of medical oxygen. This will be based on the daily deliberations between the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Health Ministry, Steel Ministry, and States, among others.

Daily reviews with the high-burden states are being jointly held by DPIIT, along with the Health Ministry and Steel Ministry. Oxygen manufacturers are also present in these meetings, as are steel units. This results in handholding of the States for facilitating oxygen supply, resolving any inter-State issues on supply or tanker movement, etc.

“During the course of discussions, it was also observed that there is an unusual rise in the demand for medical oxygen as well as steep rise in projections in the demand for medical oxygen as on April 30 in some states vis-a-vis the active Covid-19 cases. The Empowered Group 2 (EG2) has noted the inordinate surge in demand in such states and directed the MOHFW (health ministry) to examine the same for rational use of oxygen in coordination with the concerned states,” the Health Ministry said in a release.


Covid-19 cases are continuously on the rise even as the government’s vaccination drive is in full swing. On Thursday, the number of Covid-19 cases surpassed the two-lakh-mark at 200,739 infections, with 1,038 death cases in a single day. The cumulative number of Covid-19 cases till 8:00 AM in the morning stood at 1,40,74,564 infections, of which 14,71,877 are active cases, 12,429,564 have recovered and 1,73,123 died of the virus till now.

Total vaccinations administered on Thursday stood at 11,44,93,238, with 33,13,848 jabs given in a single day.

So far, Maharashtra is leading in terms of daily Covid-19 cases. In the last 24 hours to 8 AM it reported 58,952 cases, with 278 deaths, while Uttar Pradesh reported 31,777 cases, followed by Delhi at 17,282, Chhattisgarh at 14,250 and Karnataka at 11,265.