The Telangana State-run MCR HRD Institute has opted for renewable energy to meet a part of its power needs.

The Institute has completed Phase I of its solar power system, under which it installed a 500 kwp on the roof of the building. The total cost of the project was ₹219 lakh. The Central subsidy, which the Institute will get is approximately ₹50 lakh.

The electricity generated from the installation will contribute to a saving of ₹6 lakh a month in power bills, according to a press release.

Phase II of the rooftop solar power system with a capacity of 500 kwp will be taken up soon. After completion, the savings on electricity bills will be ₹12 lakh a month.

“The installation of the solar power system at the Institute is one of the largest initiatives on public buildings in the State, which will result not only in reducing the overall cost of energy but also in contributing to a greener environment,” said BP Acharya, Special Chief Secretary to the Government and Director General of the Institute.

The Institute has also taken up measures to reduce air conditioning, introduce LED lighting, limit use of plastics, and to conserve water.