Hyderabad will soon have a clean air authority on the lines of Clean Authority of Tokyo. To be headed by the State Chief Secretary, it would include heads of all departments.

The move comes after recent visit of KT Rama Rao, State Minister for Municipal Administration, IT and Industries, to Japan and a thinking towards setting up similar initiative in the metropolitan city of Hyderabad.

A preliminary meeting to work out the modalities of the proposed authority was held at Secretariat today presided by Navin Mittal, Secretary Municipal Administration and other senior officials including from the Pollution Control Board.

Navin Mittal said, “While the Pollution Control Board would function as a regulatory and enforcement agency, the proposed Clean authority would look after planning, coordination and implementation.”

The Tokyo clean air authority was set up for management of solid waste and generating power out of waste.

During the course of the deliberations, it was felt that the proposed authority should have statutory powers and cover not just air pollution but include noise and water pollution.

A committee was constituted to prepare a concept note and submit by February 15.

This committee would prepare a note on the creation of a model act, define structure and jurisdiction of the proposed authority.

The contributory factors of pollution, rules of solid waste management and the guidelines of the Tokyo clean air authority would also be studied for preparing the concept note.