In a dramatic turn of events, India deported Alexander Carlile, a well-known British peer and the lawyer representing jailed former Bangladesh Prime Minister Khaleda Zia late on Wednesday night, refusing him entry on arrival from London.

According to an MEA statement, “Lord Carlile” had arrived in New Delhi “without having obtained the appropriate Indian visa.” “His intended activity in India was incompatible with the purpose of his visit as mentioned in his visa application,” the official spokesperson said.

Lord Carlile was due to address a press conference in Delhi to speak about the cases against Ms. Zia, which he has called “baseless.” According to reports from Dhaka, the Bangladesh government has been unhappy about the visit of the lawyer, who was denied a visa to Bangladesh by the Hasina government. The reports had said that the Indian High Commission in Dhaka had sent a strong note to New Delhi, advocating denial of visa to him.

(This article was originally published in The Hindu)