YourNest Venture Capital investee CRON Systems, an Internet of Things-based border security start-up, on Monday, announced its first global foray by entering into a partnership with Bangladesh-based GETCO group.

GETCO group, one of the oldest engineering consultancy and services companies to provide technology for perimeter security along the sensitive Bangladesh borders, will provide marketing and channel support for some of the breakthrough perimeter security products of CRON systems that are already being deployed by the Indian paramilitary forces.

Through this partnership, CRON systems would market and showcase its perimeter surveillance products across all stakeholders including the Bangladesh Government, border security forces and other decision-makers. CRON Systems is currently providing border surveillance systems to Indian paramilitary forces in areas like Jammu & Kashmir and being tested in other sensitive border areas.

The start up is also planning to target markets across Africa and Asia, Tushar Chhabra, CEO & Co-Founder, said.

A disruptive start-up in the border defense space, New Delhi-based CRON Systems’ products can be customized according to the end-user’s requirements, which allows them to focus on solving the problem on any global border. It is targeting opportunities along the Bangladesh border where its products complement the geographical and ecological terrain that is similar to India.