The Jammu and Kashmir Government has approved an Rs 112-crore action plan for 2012-13 under the ‘Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana’.

The plan was approved at State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) chaired by the Chief Secretary, Mr Madhav Lal, here last evening, an official spokesman said.

Under the plan, Rs 12 crore has been earmarked for implementation of vegetable initiative for the urban areas of the state, Rs 50 crore for saffron and Rs 14.91 crore for development of dairy, fisheries, sheep and poultry.

Mr Lal called for synergy between various departments, the agriculture universities in the state and other Government institutions for over all benefit of people associated with agricultural activities, its production and marketing.

Mr Lal stressed on establishment of market tie-ups by identifying and involving private players in the field as well. He said initiatives should be designed in such a way that visible difference is observed in the served area.

The Chief Secretary also called for full utilisation of funds made available to the state under the scheme so that the benefits reach the target population engaged in agriculture and allied sectors.

The committee also reviewed the approved ‘Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana’ action plan 2011-12 and held detailed deliberations on department-wise expenditure and implementation of the schemes in the State.