Flaying the Centre for “unilaterally” and “hastily” promulgating the National Food Security Ordinance 2013, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, J. Jayalalithaa, today urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to replace the ordinance with a Bill which addresses the state’s concerns.

“The union Government has unilaterally and hastily promulgated the National Food Security Ordinance, 2013.

Though the Ordinance claims to provide food security to all, unfortunately, contrary to such a claim, there are several flaws in the Ordinance which have created serious apprehensions and actually raise the spectre of food insecurity for a State like Tamil Nadu,” she said.

She suggested certain amendments be made in the Bill that is proposed to replace the Ordinance in Parliament.

“There must be a fool-proof and firm guarantee in the legislation through an appropriate clause in Chapter VIII of the Ordinance in order to ensure continued adequate level of allocation of foodgrains to States that are already implementing a Public Distribution System.

“This provision should ensure that the present total allocation of foodgrains to the State under the Antyodaya Anna Yojana, BPL and APL categories is not reduced,” she told Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in a letter.

The proportion of urban population must be increased from 50 per cent to cover the entire urban population, she said, adding, the supply of food grains by the Central Government at the rate currently proposed should be guaranteed, and “not restricted for a period of only three years”.

She ‘strongly’ urged Singh to ensure that the concerns of Tamil Nadu are addressed through the inclusion of appropriate amendments in the Bill that the Government of India intends to place before Parliament to replace the Food Security Ordinance.

“The Government of India is duty-bound to protect the food security of States like Tamil Nadu. Respecting federal and democratic principles, any such Bill should be passed only after a detailed consultation with the States on the whole gamut of issues and after addressing specific concerns of different States and after adequate discussion in Parliament.”