JNU Students’ Union (JNUSU) president Kanhaiya Kumar said on Wednesday the fight for protection of democracy will continue.

Addressing students at the main gate of the University of Hyderabad after he was denied permission to enter the campus, he said there is no social justice in the country, and the government cannot oppress dissent by sheer force.

He also demanded the enhancement of a ‘Rohit Act’ for the protection of Dalit students in universities across the country. Kumar was originally scheduled to address the students in the university campus in a condolence meeting for Dalit PhD scholar Rohti Vemula, who committed suicide in a campus hostel in January.

“We will continue to fight for the protection of democracy and realise the dreams of Vemula,” he said while invoking Dr Ambedkar and Bhagat Singh as inspiration for the struggle.

CPI secretary Narayana, who received Kumar at the airport and accompanied him to the university, claimed that the Centre is afraid of increasing opposition to its “oppressive” policies. Meanwhile, tension prevailed in the campus with Vemula’s mother Radhika staging a protest, demanding action against Vice Chancellor P Appa Rao.

The university has suspended classes from March 23 to March 26, and barred the entry of media personnel, political groups, external student organisations and politicians. Appa Rao convened a meeting with about 200 members, Hyderabad University said in a release, adding: “The faculty unanimously condemned the false propaganda of branding the teachers as casteist.”

A representation signed by 34 faculty members had also asked the VC to “remove himself” from the campus.

Appa Rao had gone on long leave after Vemula committed suicide.