The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) has released suggestions for election manifesto of political parties in Karnataka.

Releasing a paper on ‘Suggestions for Election Manifesto of Political Parties in Karnataka’, J Crasta, co-chairman, Southern Regional Council of Assocham, said, “This is an attempt to create consensus on economic issues to achieve double digit growth during the next decade.”

5-point agenda

The apex industry body has suggested a five-point growth agenda to the political parties for inclusion in their election manifestos for the ensuing Assembly elections.

Issues of severe importance to Karnataka are under the headings of political issues, infrastructure, agriculture, industry, services, tourism, education, health, telecommunication and special economic zones (SEZs).

It has stressed upon promotion of public-private partnership in agriculture, industry and services sectors to create new jobs and promote economic activity in the State.

Political issues

“Political stability within the State is a pre-requisite for growth and development of Karnataka, more so to lure private investors, besides, there is also the need to form stable and transparent policies, assuring protection to whistleblowers, strengthening the Lok Ayukta, addressing policing reforms, incentivize industries promoting women employees, special attention to reduce disparity in society, improving per capita gross state domestic product (GSDP) and floating a land acquisition and rehabilitation policy,” are key political issues highlighted in the paper.

Other suggestions

Suggestions include infrastructure development through public private partnership (PPP), cluster based approach for industrial growth and development, giving a fillip to small and medium food processing units.

Offer of tax rebates and incentives to private sector for investing in power, ensuring ease of land acquisition for setting up industries, strengthening traditional handloom and textiles industry, setting up export oriented special economic zones (SEZs) are significant areas focus on which can positively transform Karnataka.

The Assocham paper further said that enhancing research and development capabilities in the information technology (IT) sector, providing top-notch healthcare facilities for state’s inhabitants, promoting education through sustained investment in schools, colleges and universities, setting up broadband infrastructure in semi-urban and rural areas, development of infrastructure to promote tourism and other sectors are imperative for the overall growth of Karnataka.

Agri sector

For the agriculture sector, Assocahm has suggested for separate programs to intensify growth targets linking crop intensity, water harvesting and community farming. Besides, the chamber has also suggested for sanctioning agricultural loans to farmers at just one per cent per annum through co-operative societies thereby ensuring that loans are used only for agricultural purposes.

Land acquisition is a significant issue hampering the industrial growth in Karnataka, Assocham in its paper has suggested that it be left between the buyer and seller of the land and the state government should facilitate speedy and transparent transactions.