The Karnataka government has allowed inter-State, inter-district vehicle movement in emergency conditions only, during the 14-day lockdown in the State.

State’s Chief secretary P Ravi Kumar, in an order issued Monday night, said “Due to rising Covid-19 cases and upward trend in case positivity rate, the State government is satisfied that the current circumstances require more aggressive containment measures to break the chain of transmission. Hence the lockdown to come into effect from today (Tuesday) night 10 pm is expected to continue till May 12.”

14-day lockdown in Karnataka from Tuesday night, manufacturing exempted

The order said “no movement of public or private buses or passenger vehicles except as permitted under guidelines. Intra-district movement of passenger vehicles and buses only in emergency cases and strictly adhering to the prevailing guidelines issued by department of health and family welfare.”

Only flights and trains scheduled will continue to operate during the lockdown period. Flight and train tickets shall serve as the passes for movement of persons by taxis/cab aggregators/auto rickshaws to board flight and trains. Autos and taxis (including cab aggregators) are permitted for travel related to emergency purposes.

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Directives for workplaces

The government has allowed work from home as far as possible. Staggering of work/business hours will be followed in offices, workplaces, shops, markets and industrial and commercial establishments.

Only essential employees/staff of IT and ITeS companies shall work from office. The rest will work from home.

All telecom and internet service providers and companies offering allied services to telecom and internet services providers are permitted to operate 24/7 with unrestricted movement of personnel and vehicles.


Hotels, restaurants and hospitality services are closed, except those meant for housing health, police, government officials, healthcare workers, stranded persons including tourists. However, hotels restaurants and eateries shall be permitted to operate kitchens for takeaway/home deliveries of food items.

All agriculture and allied activities, including shops and godowns related to farming, custom hiring centres, machineries, are permitted outside containment zones. Allied activities include fisheries, poultry, meat and dairy sectors.

Commercial and private establishment

Shops dealing with food, groceries, fruits and vegetables, dairy and milk booths, meat and fish and animal fodder shall be allowed to function from 6 am to 10 am.

Standalone liquor shops and outlets, take-away only, allowed from 6 am to 10 am. Home delivery items shall be encouraged 24x7 to minimise movement of individuals outside their homes.

All facilities in the supply chain of essential goods, whether involved in manufacturing, wholesale or retail of such goods through local stores, large brick and mortar stores or e-commerce companies should be allowed to operate, adhering to Covid-19 protocols.