The Karnataka government gives priority for export of vegetables and fruits to other States.

Priority for export of vegetables and fruits was decided at a high level meet chaired by Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa. He told reporters that exports of tomato, watermelon, musk melon and grapes which were being exported to other States were losing demand due to lockdown. “To help the farmers, I have given clear directions to the police to ensure the uninterrupted movement of essential goods,” he said.

He added that the State government is in touch with Railway officials regarding export of perishable goods.

The State government is also planning to set up processing units at short notice, Yediyurappa said “We are also finding alternative ways such as processing of tomato, grape, wherever possible and vegetables sold through HOPCOMs wherever possible in their outlets as well as through for the convenience of farmers as well as consumers.”

With regard to milk, he said: “Government has decided to purchase excess milk from KMF and distribute in slum areas through urban local bodies.”

Vehicle seizures

Bengauru Police Commissioner Bhaskar Rao tweeted “Total vehicles seized up till now at 7 pm on Wednesday is 6852 2-wheelers 6321, 3-wheelers 227 and 4-Wheelers 304. We are planning to issue 200 medical emergency passes per police station which can be collected and returned on a daily basis, more details.”

Karnataka has stepped up its efforts to track people who attended the Tablighi Jamaat congregation in New Delhi.

The state government so far has traced 70-plus persons but it is suspected that around 300 persons from Karnataka had taken part in the congregation.

The Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Department on Wednesday issued public notice requesting the people who took part in the congregation to contact Arogya Sayavanni (helpline) at the earliest.

Positive cases

With nine new Coronavirus cases on Wednesday, the total number of positive cases in Karnataka is 110 which includes three deaths and nine discharged after treatment.

Out of 98 under treatment, 95 (including one pregnant woman) are in isolation at designated hospitals and are stable. Three patients are in ICU – one on oxygen and two on ventilators).

The Karnataka government issued an advisory that private Covid-19 testing laboratories will act as Fever Clinics and shall follow the protocols of fever clinics and report to centralised software /reporting system. Further, at such private lab cum Fever Clinics the patient will have to pay the cost of the lab test as per ICMR guidelines.