Kanara Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) and Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to further cooperate for mutual benefit and to effectively achieve the common goals.

Founded in 1940, KCCI aims to promote the growth of the Dakshina Kannada region and to serve trade and industry in said region. GCCI, which was founded in 1908, is an apex body representing trade and industry in Goa, established primarily to safeguard and promote the interests of Goan trade and industry.

Under the MoU, both the chambers will promote cooperation between business entities and economic, commercial and financial institutions of Goa and Dakshina Kannada region for mutual benefit. Both parties agreed to develop strong institutional trade, and business relations between GCCI and KCCI and to establish a sustainable mechanism for dialogue and discussions.

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According to MoU, both KCCI and GCCI will support and develop cooperation between enterprises, facilitating trade, joint ventures, industrial cooperation, technology transfer and other forms of business cooperation.

KCCI agreed to provide technical expertise and advisory support to GCCI in establishing an Alternative Dispute Resolution Centre within GCCI’s premises, encompassing guidance on infrastructure setup, operational framework and capacity-building initiatives, aiming to foster efficient dispute resolution mechanisms and enhance commercial harmony among stakeholders.

Ananthesh V Prabhu, KCCI President and Shrinivas V Dempo, GCCI President, signed the MoU in Mangaluru recently.