Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday invited BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi for an open debate on issues concerning the people of Varanasi.

"Choose the venue and time of your convenience and let the debate happen in front of the public so that the people can ask questions to both the candidates about their agenda and vision," Kejriwal said in an AAP release.

AAP said Modi, the Gujarat Government and his party, the BJP had so far been avoiding any public debate on issues and questions raised by Kejriwal, be it "the falsehoods about the so-called faulty development model of Gujarat or the issues concerning the people of Varanasi".

Accusing Modi and his party of "running away from any debate or discussion" AAP said this was because they were afraid of being exposed.

AAP also criticised Modi and BJP for politicising the Ganga Aarti.

"As a citizen, any individual can participate in this holy event and the AAP is of the view that the BJP has unnecessarily politicised this issue to create a needless controversy," it said.