In the second attack on him in the last four days, Arvind Kejriwal was today slapped by an unidentified man during a roadshow in Sultanpuri area of North West Delhi and the AAP leader immediately blamed BJP for it.

The man slapped Kejriwal when he was shaking hands with his supporters. Kejriwal’s suporters immediately thrashed the attacker, an autorickshaw driver wearing an AAP cap. He was later detained by police.

The AAP leader directed his anger at BJP after the attack.

“I do not understand why do some people resort to violence for becoming the Prime Minister. If you think by attacking us, we will keep quite then you are wrong. We will fight this battle till the last breath,” he said.

The AAP leader headed for Rajghat after the incident.”I am going to Rajghat,” he said.

This was second such attack on Kejriwal in the last four days. He was attacked by a 19-year-old youth during his campaigning in Dakshinpuri area of South Delhi on Friday.

The former Chief Minister has been attacked a number of times in the past.

On March 28, he was attacked by a man, who claimed to be a supporter of Anna Hazare, during his election rally in Haryana.

In Varanasi last week, protesters threw ink on Kejriwal and a number of other party leaders during a roadshow.