The Rubber Production Incentive Scheme (RPIS) declared by the State Government is at its final stage, after observation of all formalities with the active involvement of Rubber Board and Rubber producers’ Societies.

The Government has allotted ₹300 crores in the budget for subsidy disbursement. For two hectares, growers will get subsidy up to 300 kg a month.

The difference between the price published by the Rubber Board for RSS 4 and ₹150, will be the subsidy credited to the bank account of growers.

In spite of the various measures adopted to give relief to rubber growers, the market has fallen abruptly. The price of latex has also declined to ₹102.50 from ₹152.00.

Growers demand that latex be brought under the purview of RPIS. In 2013, the average price was ruling remunerative at ₹170.00 a kg.

The downtrend started in the following year. This year in April, the market ruled very low. By the second week of June, there were signs of recovery as it touched ₹131.00 a kg. But the market became weak yet again on July 29; prices slipped to ₹122.00 a kg for RSS 4. As a result of the price fall, a large number of trees in plantation areas was left untapped.

According to Rubber Board sources, production loss was also massive during April to June 2014 and the same period in 2015.

Production loss during the two said quarters was 24,000 tonnes. Total loss in terms of money is yet to be compiled.

The propaganda that the stalemate could be resolved with the subsidy amount of ₹300 crores sanctioned by the Government appeared to be against facts, said VC Sebastian, Secretary General of Infam, an organisation of farmers. The Government should ensure that small traders holding licenses should procure rubber at the price published by the Rubber Board, he demanded. As on July 26 this year, 21,587 growers became members of RPIS.

Of this, about 9,300 were eligible to get subsidy. There are 2,200 societies registered under the Rubber Board, enrolling growers as members of the scheme.

About 200,000 rubber growers have applied for subsidy. Of the 12 lakh small and marginal rubber growers, the Government expects a minimum of 3 lakh to apply for subsidy in the first phase.