Bus operators in the State have threatened to go on strike after the government sought more time for considering their charter of demands.

A meeting convened here by a specially assigned Cabinet subcommittee requested 15 days more to take a decision on raising the minimum charge to Rs 6.


The operators promptly went into a huddle and declared their decision to go on a strike, accusing the government of going back on its promise.

But they refrained from fixing a date for the strike. This will be announced later, representatives of the delegation said.

They said they were left with hardly any option, especially after diesel prices were raised by Rs 5 more than a month ago. This has brought about a burden of Rs 550 in daily fuel expenses, they said.


Transport Minister Aryadan Mohammed said that the government had sought more time after a Kochi-based organisation went to court against any decision to hike bus fares in the State.

The government would like to hear out its arguments before taking a decision on the issue, the Minister added.
