Kerala is keen to woo investors to the State after the proposed job quota bill ensures greater reservation for locals in the private sector in Karnataka.

Eager to project the State as one of the best investment destinations in the country Kerala Industries Minister, P Rajeeve in his post on social media platform X, urged companies in Karnataka to consider Kerala for setting up units.

“Invest in Kerala. Employee talent and merit are the only criteria for recruitment. It is time for companies to discover Kerala, with its highly skilled talent pool, the best climate, and hassle-free environment. Embrace this opportunity…. #KeralaCalling, the Minister said in his post.

It may be recalled that the Minister offered invitations to IT companies in March when Bangalore was reeling under a severe water crisis.

G Vijayaraghavan, former CEO of Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram, said it should be an opportunity for the State to look at it. However, wooing companies should not be done as a mere PR campaign. It should be carried out in a manner in which companies are looking for expansion and would like to make investments in other areas.

Navas Meeran, chairman, Group Meeran said the Minister’s offer will definitely provide an opportunity to set up units in Kerala especially with a place having comfortable space and serene environment. People have started thinking even otherwise for a shift taking into account several factors.

However, the Karnataka Government temporarily suspended the bill of job quota following a protest from industry leaders.