Fast food chain KFC India on Sunday unveiled ‘KFConscious’ with the aim of harnessing sustainable solutions and creating a more positive impact on the planet. A first for the QSR industry in India, the brand launched its most sustainable restaurant in Chennai’s busy T Nagar, as a mark of the brand’s commitment to grow sustainably while being good stewards of the environment.

The company plans to open 20 more such restaurants by 2022, says a release.

The restaurant’s design and operations integrate energy efficiency, usage of responsible materials, and waste diversion. This launch takes forward the brand’s ongoing efforts in the journey; another KFC outlet located in the Yamunanagar Expressway food court is marked by energy efficiency.

KFC India has made significant progress on its sustainability journey till date, further strengthened by the launch of KFConscious. For instance, the solar panels at the restaurant in Chennai will help save about 18,000 units of power every year, thereby reducing carbon emissions from electricity consumption.

Recycling water is a practise across most KFC restaurants in the country; with KFConscious, 100 per cent of the rejected water from the RO is utilised in flushing systems in the washrooms, ensuring 0 per cent water wastage at the Chennai restaurant. The usage of natural and LED lighting ensures increased energy efficiency. An energy management system in the kitchen ensures optimised use of electricity. Further, use of inverter type air conditioning ensures a 30 per cent reduction in energy consumption.

Customers are motivated towards low-carbon behaviours, such as bringing their own carry bags for takeaway orders, with plans going forward to provide bicycle racks and EV charging stations. The brand tested e-cycles for food delivery at select restaurants in Gurgaon, Kolkata, and Bengaluru, contributing to minimising carbon emissions, the release said.