Krishnapatnam project to be fully operational soon

V. Rishi Kumar Updated - January 23, 2018 at 12:34 PM.

APGenco to select developers for expansion  

The 1600 MW (800x2) Krishnapatnam thermal power project of AP Genco is set to be fully operational for supply of power to the grid and the necessary transmission network has also been commissioned.

The commissioning of the project, backed 70 per cent domestic coal and 30 per cent imported, would significantly boost the power supply situation in the State, according to K Vijayanand, Chairman and Managing Director of AP Genco/AP Transco.

As a part of the Andhra Pradesh Government’s move to increase the generation capacity, the expansion project of 800 MW third unit at Krishnapatnam and another 800 MW unit, the eighth unit at the Vijayawada Thermal Power Station would be taken up. The tenders for these two projects are now under process for supplies and contractors, he told Business Line.

Referring to the power demand-supply situation in Andhra Pradesh, Vijayanand said that the State was able to meet the demand of about 157-160 million units per day on an average. However, this has come down to about 140 MU per day due to low temperatures and lower demand now.

He said that the State has taken up a number of power transmission projects which are now underway with an outlay of over Rs 2,000 crore. These projects would significantly boost the transmission network and also help bring down transmission losses.

The overall transmission and distribution loss in the State has been brought down to 10.35 per cent and we are targeting to bring this down further to a single digit. The State is able to ensure round the clock supply as per Power for All scheme envisaged by the Centre and the State, he said.

Published on August 13, 2015 12:45