Demanding the resignation of Chief Minister Oommen Chandy over the solar panel scam, the Opposition LDF today stalled the Question Hour in the Kerala Assembly.

As soon as the sitting began, placard-wielding Opposition members urged Speaker G.K. Rathikeyan to suspend the question hour and take up the “solar” issue straightaway. The Speaker, however, held that the issue could be taken up during Zero Hour only.

The slogan-shouting LDF legislators then rushed to the well of the House forcing the Speaker to adjourn the House till Zero Hour.

The scam pertains to extensive fraudulent deals indulged in by a firm run by Saritha Nair and her friend Biju Radhakrishnan by luring clients for solar panel installation schemes.

The issue assumed a political dimension after it was found that two personal staff members in the Chief Minister’s Office had allegedly made frequent calls to Saritha Nair, who is now in judicial remand in connection with the case.

The two staff members were removed from the CM’s office last week.