West Bengal Left Front Chairman Biman Bose on Tuesday criticised the Trinamool Congress-led State Government for delaying the Panchayat polls, citing excuses.

According to him, the Left Front has been urging for free, fair and peaceful Panchayat polls and the party’s district committees are prepared for the elections. 

“It is sheer lie that we are conspiring against holding of Panchayat polls. Rather, it is the State Government that is dilly-dallying,” Bose told reporters here while addressing a press conference.

Underlining that questions have been raised whether rural polls could be conducted peacefully in the State, he said it would be possible if only there is democracy.

Poor performance

Asked about the current Government’s achievement on completion of its second year, he said the Trinamool Congress Government has only “proposed” several development projects and none of them progressed beyond proposal.

Bose recalled that when Left Front came to power in 1977, it brought in many changes in policies, Operation Barga, being the crucial one unlike this Government.

“We ensured food security by increasing crop production in the first two years. But, over the last two years during Trinamool Congress’s tenure, the production of foodgrains declined,” he added.
