More than a dozen youth organisations of various political parties have decided to step up protests against the Narendra Modi government over “attack on universities, students and youth”.

A convention of the youth organisations, inaugurated by CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury here on Monday, urged the Centre to drop sedition charges against student leaders in JNU.

Yechury said RSS and Muslim League were twin brothers formed to serve the interests of colonial masters that India should be divided and ruled. People of the country have launched struggles against them along with the national movement and it is still continuing, he added. “People rejected their politics. Now their effort is to change the secular character of this country and to change the history of the country,” he said and added that communal division is being used to win elections.

The 13 organisations — including that of the Left parties, JD(U), NCP, RJD, MDMK and VCK — said the Centre is spreading blatant lies about the developments in JNU and Hyderabad University.

“These targeted attacks on universities are part of larger design against the democratic culture, discussion, debate and dissent. The intellectually bankrupt and politically incorrect world view of the RSS cannot withstand questions that are being raised and any kind of debate. It is because of this bankruptcy, RSS is scared of debate, freedom of thought and expression,” a resolution passed at the conclave said.

RSS agenda

CPI leader D Raja, CPI(ML) general secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya, RJD leader Manoj Jha and JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar also spoke at the function. “They are trying to impose their vision of fascistic Hindu rashtra against our secular democratic republic. The Union government, guided and controlled by the RSS, is an instrument in carrying out the Hindutva project of the RSS. However, secular and democratic sections of our country have recognised the danger and taken up the challenge,” the resolution added.