It was just another day for Mumbaikars who came out to exercise their franchise. While most of them revelled at home on their off day, some came out to vote.

Less than half of the total eligible voters exercised their right to vote in the six constituencies that make up Mumbai.

In most parts, young people were missing in action while the senior citizens picked up the cudgels to vote.

Early in the morning, senior citizens came out to vote and beamed at the waiting cameras.

Vijaya N Swamy, an 80-year-old lady came out to vote with her walking stick.

When asked how many times she has voted before, she said, "I have been voting since I was 20. You can count yourself," with a toothy smile.

Another old couple, the Gharat’s came out to vote in the morning but refused to divulge who they voted for.

However, Mayank Gala, a 24-year-old first time voter was more unabashed while declaring his choice. He said that he will vote for Modi Sarkar this time.

Not all of them were so optimistic about Modi’s chances though.

A young person who identified himself as Ganesh said, “There is a Modi wave definitely but I cannot say if this will translate into votes for him.”

The city itself wore a deserted look with most people preferring to stay indoors.