Age of City : About 600 years

Area: About 160 sq km*

* under municipal area

Population : 16.18 lakh

Male : 8:75 lakh

Female : 7.43 lakh

Population Density : 978 persons/sq km

Slum population: 15%

Road length: 1,376 km

No. of buses: 150

No. of autos: 30,000

No. of on-road cars: 21.23 lakh*

*highest no. of per-capita vehicles in India

Bicycle ridership: 6.1 lakh

No. of CCTV cameras: 1,700

No. of water connections

Authorised: 2.39 lakh

Unauthorised: 1.3 lakh

Air pollution index

PM2.5 reading: 91 micrograms/cu3*

*in world’s top 10 cities with worst air pollution

Read more on Ludhiana

A chill pill for a city choking on ‘affluenza’

Ludhiana Vital Stats | SWOT | Makeover Mission

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