LV Prasad Eye Institute sets up ophthalmic research biorepository

BL Hyderabad Bureau Updated - January 04, 2022 at 03:26 PM.

The facility will aid future research on disease mechanisms, therapeutics and diagnostics

L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) has opened an Ophthalmic Research Biorepository, a first-of-its-kind facility in the country, at its campus here.

Biorepositories are collections of human tissue for future research on disease mechanisms, therapeutics and diagnostics. The Prof Krothapalli Ravindranath Ophthalmic Research Biorepository is equipped with infrastructure required for cryopreservation of ophthalmic tissues at very low temperatures.

“The study of the preserved tissues will help in developing innovative and breakthrough therapies for treating blinding diseases,” said Sayan Basu, Network Director at LVPEI’s Prof Brien Holden Eye Research Centre (BHERC).

Besides helping in preservation and sanctity of invaluable patient samples, the centre will help develop a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of both common and rare diseases.

Published on January 4, 2022 09:36