The State Cabinet on Wednesday approved the relief package of ₹10,000 crore to farmers affected by rain and floods between June and October.

Massive flooding damaged crop over 55 lakh hectares and hence the State government decided to announce ₹10,000-crore package without waiting for NDRF norms, the press statement issued by the government announced.

Farmers holding non-irrigated land will get ₹10,000 per hectare while irrigated landholders will receive ₹15,000 per hectare relief. Those who take multiple crops every year will get ₹25,000 per hectare. The government relief will be limited to two hectares per farmer.

The State received massive rains between June and September and recorded an average 986.2 mm rainfall, which is 115.3 per cent of the average rainfall the State receives. Maharashtra has 151.33 lakh hectare under Kharif cultivation of which sowing was carried out on 145.57 lakh hectares (96 per cent). As per the government’s data, 55 lakh hectare crop stands damaged. Maximum damage is reported from the Marathwada region.