Amid talks of an alliance with the Congress in poll-bound States such as Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, BSP supremo Mayawati indicated that any such arrangement would not be unconditional.

A statement from her office on Tuesday said the BSP would make alliances with a party only if it gets a “respectable” number of seats.

Mayawati cited statements from certain Congress leaders that their party was keen on an alliance with the BSP in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan, and said such an alliance will be possible only if her party gets a “respectable” number of seats.

“We are capable of fighting all the seats in these three States and our preparations for the elections are going on in a good manner,” she said.

There were reports that the BSP’s alliance with the Congress in Uttar Pradesh will depend on the number of seats the Grand Old Party gives her party in the three poll-bound States. BSP has three MLAs in Rajasthan, four in Madhya Pradesh and one in the Chhattisgarh Assembly.

She attacked the BJP for the Alwar mob lynching and said the State government in Rajasthan had been protecting the culprits behind the lynching. “Some BJP members consider mob lynching as a patriotic act. We condemn that. The BJP government has proved that it is unable to take any action on that crime. We request the court to intervene in the matter,” she said in the statement.