Terming the Congress’s poll promise of a basic minimum guarantee scheme a bluff, the BJP said the Congress has been running a “political industry” in the name of eradicating poverty.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on Monday that the history of the Congress is full of such deceits. He said the Congress has won many elections in the past by promising an end to poverty. “But during their regime, they just redistributed poverty. They did not implement any schemes to increase the productivity in the society which will increase the demand and eradicate poverty,” Jaitley said.

“In 2008, they offered a farm loan waiver worth ₹ 72000 crore, but only ₹72,000 crore was used and many industrialists also got its benefit,” he claimed. Jaitley said the Congress blocked the Aadhaar scheme and challenged it incourt,which delayed the direct benefit transfer in the country.