The Army has decided to allow family members to retain government accommodation for married couple in case of death of the services personnel. The rent charged will be equivalent of normal licence fee, said the latest notification issued on August 2 after getting Defence Ministry's nod to ease burden on families of armed force personnel.

In cases of "battle casualty," the family can avail the facility till a child, or the youngest of the children, pass twelfth standard. It will be initially for three-years-and-six-months with the approval of the station master and extended for two years or till the youngest child completes schooling whichever is earliest, says the new order. An authority above the station commander has to approve such requests, said the Defence Ministry.

In the other category of physical disability, allotment or retention for an initial period of two years will be granted by the station commander and extended two years with the approval of a higher authority.

Allotment of government accommodation at an alternate station at any stage for listed authorised period will be granted on the approval of Quarter Master General (QMG).

The Defence Ministry improved upon the earlier position where in case of battle casualty, the accommodation could be held on till maximum of three-and-half-years which included one-and-half-years of extension. But, the facility was available just for two years in case of physical disability.

The MoD took up this important housing issue in November of 2020 owing to representations seeking more assistance for troops that sacrifice lives for the nation.